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August 6, 2014

* WIP wednesday - Little Brother's patchwork quilt {update}

->I'm moving my blog; the new location of this post is Studio Paars - WIP Wednesday – Little Brother’s patchwork quilt {update}
->Mijn blog verhuist; de nieuwe locatie van deze post is Studio Paars - WIP Woensdag – Kleine Broer’s lapjesdeken {update}


I did not post regular updates as I had planned, but here finally is one on my second patchwork blanket (or should I call it a quilt?).
I'm in the final stages of quilting: maybe about 30 minutes of sewing left. Then it just needs binding and a label like my first one (I started the embroidery last night).
I'm so excited to be finishing it! I had sort of lost my enthousiasm for it, but then a few weeks ago my sister visited and I showed it to her, and in telling about it I started feeling happy and proud about it again. So as soon as she left I pulled out my sewing machine and started working on it again!
And now Little Brother keeps asking if it's finished yet, so that's nice too :)

LB patchwork blanket WIP
Almost finished!
Eigenlijk was ik van plan om regelmatige updates van mijn tweede patchwork deken (of toch quilt?) te posten, maar dat is er niet van gekomen.
Ik ben nu bijna klaar met het doortstikken (of quilten); misschien nog een half uurtje te gaan. Dan is er alleen nog het afwerken met een biasband en een label op de achterkant (gisteravond ben ik alvast begonnen met borduren).
Ik kan niet wachten tot 'ie af is! Ik was een beetje mijn enthousiasme ervoor kwijt, maar een paar weken geleden kwam mijn zus langs en liet ik hem aan haar zien. En terwijl ik erover verteld voelde ik me weer helemaal blij en trots erover, en zodra ze weg was trok ik mijn naaimachine tevoorschijn en ging aan de slag!
En Kleine Broer vraagt alsmaar of zijn deken al af is; dat helpt ook :)


  1. This is gorgeous. I love the fabrics you have used in here. You've got really saturated colours. Good job!!!

  2. Awesome ! I Like very much the colors !

  3. Your brother is a lucky little boy!

  4. Beautiful fabrics, it looks fabulous! Xx

  5. I'm sure it will make Little Brother happy for years to come!

  6. I really like your colour scheme

  7. Love the beautiful colors you used.

  8. seriously you are so crafty! I wish I was half as good as you! Thanks fro sharing!!! Pinning this now!
    Jessica from Sparkles & Glue

  9. beautiful :) So glad you are finishing it! Little brother will be so very happy :)

  10. He will be a happy recipient I am sure ! Nice colors / soft and comfy looking! :)

  11. I too really like your balance of colors and pattern in the materials chosen. It's coming along great!

  12. Visiting from Linky Tuesday - love the colors! I feel so calm :)

  13. I love the colors on this! Great work!

  14. I work for a hospice company and we give our patients patchwork blankets. They are so special! This one is beautiful!

  15. Thanks for all the encouragement! I hope to share some pictures of the finish soon :D
